Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.But I say unto you, Love
your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you," -- Matthew 5:43-44
If the inner world of our average citizen in this once-great United States is now divided against his neighbor, and not just divided against, but in hateful, vengeful opposition towards others, hasn't what we feared in the ways of our nation falling already taken root?
Communism requires us to first of all be divided against each other in class warfare. Second, it has to create within us some type of justification or rationale or motive for killing each other. In it's final stages, actual annihilation through genocide in the name of some utopia society brings the seeds of this pent up desire to fruition.
Keep in mind that over 135 million people (an estimated 500 million if you count abortion) have been murdered in the last 100 years. To give you some perspective, that's more than all the killings from wars of nation vs. nation in the entire history of the world.
These "killings from within" are not from external wars - but from societies whose leaders deemed one class of people inferior to another group.
If a leader of a nation can convince it's citizens to be divided against each other, to hate each other, to threaten to kill or take revenge against another group of people under its "care", then it can easily tip the balance in favor of killing its unruly citizens in a divide-and-conquer-like campaign plague.
Evil has come more subtly to us these last 50 years, not through abrupt revolution, but through a gradual process of moral apathy and through an evolutionary erosion of conviction. We've abandoned principles of truth and reason for the zeal of passion and self-justified pleasures.
A recent poll suggests that as many as 33% of U.S. citizens (I don't dare call them "Americans") now favor socialism over capitalism. The irony here of course, is that our fathers have fought in the Revolutionary war, the Civil War, World War I and II and Vietnam to fight against these types of oppressive ideas. Ideas that had taken root, and grown into revolutionary proportions that threatened our cherished American way of life - namely the principles of freedom, morality, truth, life and liberty.
Communism has an agenda. Its constituents are anything but dead. It has planted itself and taken root in these once 'United' States. Like weeds who've grown into roots, and roots who've broken the once firm foundation, we are a nation divided. And a nation divided cannot stand.
I'm young, but I've followed politics for over 30 years and can still remember watching the debates between Reagan and Mondale as a kid. I've seen some heated debates and such as I'm sure we all have over the years.
But I must confess, I've never seen a nation so torn, so divided, and yes, even threatening to kill others if their chosen leader isn't elected President. We have today hundreds of people who've threatened to kill Mr. Romney if he is elected, and many have threatened to kill or injure others supporting him as well.
If all things are created spiritually before they manifest in physical form, then the seeds of our destruction have already been planted, nurtured and brought to the brink of full bloom.

My great grandparents fled their native land to escape the threats and persecution of Muslims who attacked them because of their Christian beliefs. America was a morally strong land. A land of hope, freedom, and opportunity. Strong and kind people hoping for a better life gravitated to American because she offered them freedom.
Now it would seem, our society has unraveled from within. But this is where we will stand. This is the last place we have to flee to, in spite of all her weaknesses and frailties. America is still the last best hope on earth.
I hope you will stand with me in remembering what America once meant to those who've given their lives for it. Let us stand up. Let us stand firm. Let us remember and defend the principles our fathers fought for in building and sacrificing for this great nation.
Let us love one another, no matter what.
này, lập tức nộp lên trên, nộp lên sẽ được thưởng một kiện pháp bảo Anh
Biến cấp, môn phái được tặng mười khối Hóa Thần kỳ luyện thi, tu chân
quốc được tăng lên một bậc.
- Tuy nhiên nếu có ai dám lấy làm của riêng, tu chân quốc nơi đó sẽ bị
giết sạch, Lâm Dịch đây là tin tức do cao tầng liên minh các nước phát
ra, qua mấy ngày nữa ngươi sẽ biết được.
Vừa nói tới đây, ánh mắt hắn chợt lóe lên, đám mây trên bầu trời liền
dịch vụ kế toán trọn gói
eco green city
trung tâm kế toán tại hải phòng
học kế toán thực hành
trung tâm kế toán tại long biên
trung tâm kế toán tại hà đông
dịch vụ làm báo cáo tài chính
dịch vụ kế toán thuế
eco green city
chung cư goldmark city
hóa thành hình ảnh một vật, vật này là hình một viên thạch châu, trên đó
có khắc hình những đám mây.
Nếu Vương Lâm ở đây chắc chắn hắn sẽ nhận ra hạt châu đó chính là đang ở trên ngực của của hắn.
Nói xong, người khổng lồ thì thầm vài câu, đột nhiên từ trong hắc động
lộ ra một canh tay thật lớn, tóm lấy một cột đá ở trên Thông Thiên tháp